Duel Monsters PC Game Cards | Missing Pics List
This is a list of missing card pictures in the game. Currently of the 56 cards without pictures, 1 is a Token, and about 26 are EDO original cards. There is no way of manualy adding these card images into the game yourself.
Regulation Cards listed by Set.
Click on cards to flip them over.
==========| CURSE OF ANUBIS |==========
Hand Sealing Sword of Light CA-05
AKA Lightforce Sword
Type: Trap
Effect: Choose a card at random from your opponent's hand and place it off the Field. Your opponent cannot use that card for 3 of his or her turns. On the 4th Standby Phase, your opponent returns that card to his or her hand.
Super Rare 49587034
==========| CONTROLLER OF CHAOS |==========
Lord Poison 306-028
If this card is destroyed as a result of Battle and goes to the Cemetery, Special Summon 1 Plant Sub-Type Monster from your Cemetery, other than a [Lord Poison]. 40320754
==========| PHARAOH'S SERVANT |==========
Giant Virus PS-34
Type: Effect Monster
Effect: If this card is put into your Cemetery from the Field during battle, do 500 damage to your opponent. Then, you may summon as many cards of the same name from your deck to the Field as you wish to in attack mode. Shuffle your deck afterward.
==========| DUELIST LEGACY VOLUME 2 |==========
Eye King Of the Depths DL2-014
AKA-Deep Spawn King of Hell
Type: Normal Monster
==========| DUEL MONSTERS VOLUME 5 |==========
Ice Fish
Type: Normal Monster
==========| BOOSTER CHRONICLE |==========
Fish Warrior BC-10
Type: Normal Monster
Giant Flea BC-02
Type: Normal Monster
Earth/Insect/4/1500/1200 4147562634
==========| POWER OF THE GUARDIANS |==========
Twilight Zone Dragon 304-015
This card cannot be destroyed by a Magic or Trap effect that doesn't target, and cannot be destroyed during Battle with a Monster that has an attack strength of 1900 or less.
Normal Rare 50939127
Ark of Miracles 304-029
Ritual Magic
Needed to summon a [Ruler Of Heaven Shinato]. You must sacrifice 8 levels or more worth of Monsters from the Field and/or your hand. 60365591
==========| MYTHOLOGICAL AGE |==========
Elemental Spring MA-28
Type: Permanent Magic Card
Whenever a Monster on the Field is returned to a player's hand, you gain 500 Life Points.
Spirit Fixation Equipment MA-34
Type: Permanent Magic Card
While this card is on the Field, Spirit Monsters remain on the Field. During your End Phase, discard 1 card from your hand or destroy this card.
Grasp of the Spirits MA-47
Type: Permanent Trap
When a Spirit Monster of yours is returned to your hand, your opponent
chooses 1 of his or her Monsters on the Field and returns it to his or her hand. Pay 500 Life Points during your Standby Phase or destroy this card.
==========| STRUGGLE OF CHAOS |==========
Calling Reinforcements SC-28
Type: Normal Magic
Put 1 Warrior Sub-Type Monster with Level 4 or less from your deck into your hand. Then shuffle your deck.
Files Renamed in game before ver. 6/25
Not found in ver. 6/25 and up.
Example: Mimic Illusionist [right click image files rename from - to]
[Mimill.jpg - Refill.jpg (Large Image) / Mimill_s.jpg - Refill_s.jpg (Small Image)]
Time Magician - Timmag.JPG rename to TM.jpg
Slime Reactor - Slirea.jpg rename to Slimm.jpg
Axe Raider - Axerai.jpg rename to Axer.jpg
Tiger Axe - Tigaxe.jpg rename to TAXE.JPG
Millenium Shield - Milshi.jpg rename to MILLSH.JPG
Panther Warrior - Panwar.jpg rename to PANTW.JPG
Toon Mermaid - Tmerm.jpg rename to TOOMER.JPG
Shift Change - Shicha.jpg rename to SHIFT.JPG
Rocket Warrior - Rocwar.jpg rename to RSOLD.JPG
Dragon-Riding Wyvern - Drarid.jpg rename to DRIDE.JPG
Mimic Illusionist - Mimill rename to REFILL.JPG
Missing Original EDO Card Images
Godess Of Beauty - Venus 8 2700 2200
Light Of Venus
Mobil Armor A-
Mobil Armor C-
Mobil Armor F-
Mobil Armor G
Mobile Armor M
Mobil Armor W 4 1700 1500
Mobil Armor X 4 15 1200
Sealing Spears of Light
Royal Armor
Blood Exchange
Dark Edge Priestess 4 1400 1350
Mind Sapping Spectre 8 2500 2400
Raptured Elegance
The End
Enemy Bust
Napalm Storm
One third of the gate guardian
This is just unfair
Dragon-Reviving Lute
Mistress of Dragons - Dragon Priestess
Angelic Roller Blader
Garden of Black Roses
Regenerative Aura
Mad Child 4 1200 1000
Globe Of Daylight
World SLayer 4 3000 2500
Nalla The Imprisioned 6 1700 2800
Mother Of Vampires - Vlana 7 2400 1200
Evilwing Knightess 7 0 0
Magical Sarah 4 1600 1200
Freed Exodia 12 5000 5000
Razor Angel 4 1700 1400
The Unholly Rabbit 1 0 0
Cards adapted from Japanese Manga or Comics
Coins From Heaven Magic Each player draws until he or she has five cards in their hand. No Code or effect in game.
Juragedo Monster Card Dark/Demon 4/1700/1300 MAN_7200
Drag to Death Trap
Activate this card only if each player has 3 or more cards in his
or her hand. Each player discards his or her hand. This card
does 100 damage to the player that activated it. Afterward, each
player draws 5 cards. No Code or effect in game.
Cards appear in Playstation or Gameboy games. (Not Promo cards, but appear in the games.)
Key Mace #2 | English Versions.
Wood Joker
Wood Clown | English Versions.
Stone Warrior
Minomushi Warrior | English Versions.
Tokens without images
Metal Devil Token